Mother Teresa came to Jamshedpur in the early 90s to open her MoC. She spent two days in the city and went to quite a few meetings, arranged for her in schools and other institutions- including a dialogue with the officers of the Tata Steel Company. I was her “ Local Manager” by the Company and had the privilege of accompanying her to all the designated locations. She sat on the rear seat of the car with another Sister from MoC and kept the conversation alive ~ from the history of the city to welfare, from education to sports et all. Two eventful days of public meetings and interaction with many social groups. During those conversations I also told her that we shared our birth dates and she wished me though this was months after August! She was small, frail and her wrinkled face established the years of selfless service but a bundle of energy and, I daresay , restive. On the third day I drove with her to the airport where the Company aircraft was waiting to fly her back to Cal...